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S3 licensed
Quote from mcintyrej :Have you bought the game? Or just played the buggy torrent one you probably got if you havn't bought it.

You mean the one that is an identical copy of the original discs? :roll:

My rig barely scrapes by at the absolute minimum of settings(860x480 is like friggin' legos on a 24-inch) with all kinds of fuzzyness and weird blocks. The patch fixed the flickering shadows, now 1.2 needs to get rid of the DRM-code that's wrapped around 30-40% of the code in the game. Too bad Rockstar never release more than one patch per GTA-game. Q6600, 3.5 GiBs of ram and a x1950PRO 512MB. 1280x800 should be possible. The graphics aren't that great.
S3 licensed
Quote from Inouva :}

Faster Fox , but for now is not compatible with FF3

oh yeah it is, it just hasn't had it's xpi updated. Run Nightly Tester Tools to turn that annoying check off.
S3 licensed
The RAC. That car's just pointless for getting from point A to point B, 'cause You'll end up at C.
S3 licensed
Mine does not. X1950PRO
What's Z-buffer depth anyway?
S3 licensed
Hopefully we'll be rid of religion in the next 2-300 years, then this will all be looked apon as one of those "the earth is flat" type of thingies. I'll have my brain frozen til then.
S3 licensed
I use an old PS1-controller. I tried a PS2-controller once, but the sticks had a bit to much resistance for me. There's nothing more comfortable to play with than that classic PS-pad for me(even though it's gone brown over the years ).
I might give my setup when i come home.
S3 licensed
If they can't avoid you if you're "stranded" in the middle of track then that's their problem, not yours. Remember, you're the one who's (virtually at least) had a life-threatening crash.
S3 licensed
Concidentally, the physics were the only real good bit in B&W. I might break it out the box when i come home today. Though, i might have to turn the audio down. Blood awful dialog in that game. :P
S3 licensed
One from Sony, One from Ericsson off course :P
S3 licensed
What would be he point of using joytokey? a handbrake's "analog", therfore you would only need to assign the axis to handbrake, then do the physical modificasions nesessary to make it behave like a handbrake.
S3 licensed
Nope, i don't live in a war-zone so i have no need.
S3 licensed
So, you react to this, but not the complete lack of comedic content of the last what, 4 seasons?
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Sorry
Now eating, whats the name, it`s crispy, but not bread. Uhm.. knackbread ? Rofl thats so wrong name for it, but I don`t know what it`s named on english, anyway - ham and cheese on it

Shame on you!:
S3 licensed
I'm confused, are you running it native or through parallels?
Native: You're probably missing drivers. OSX drivers for notebook hardware don't exist for obvious reasons, so you're shit out of luck there.
Parallels: Try fiddling with the type of connection it has to the host. If i remember correctly Direct had the most success with me running most flavors of Windows and Linux's.
(Any tips on running OSX through parallels if that's what you're doing? I can't seem to get the bugger working. )
S3 licensed
I Quoteth the Queens: "No-one knows"
Blank audio-files for buttons etc.?
S3 licensed
I remember some time time back there were some blank files replacing the sound when you press buttons, messages pop up etc. One of my drives broke the other day, so i need to find'm again. The sounds annoying as hell.
S3 licensed
Quote from JeffR :The faster disco music, sometimes called rave.

Delerirum - Underwater - Rank 1 mix

Delirium's soft trance, bu nice try
S3 licensed
In mother Russia, LFS simulates YOU!
S3 licensed
A drift track? You mean another regular track with tarmac, corners and things like that?
S3 licensed
Quote from spankmeyer : Thou shalt not watch Hollyoakes.

Thou shall not make repetitive generic music
Thou shall not make repetitive generic music
Thou shall not make repetitive generic music
Thou shall not make repetitive generic music
S3 licensed
All pop these days is the same old R&B-template re-done with a more annoying vocal performance run through a faulty auto-tune on top of it. I'm glad I've discovered other forms of music where It's the music that matters, not what the Record companies want you to "like".
This piece of music is the most 'manufactured' I've heard in a while. A low 808 kick, a "wet" clap and some castrated Michael Jackson wannabe repeating the same 5 words over and over again. Someone please tell me when the next flight of this [insert name of make-believe deity her]-forsaken rock's scheduled!
S3 licensed
"Yeah,uh ... My son says there's a ... thingamagoop in your basement, so he ... won't be able to come to school today."
S3 licensed
Quote from Osco :judging by his posts he can't even light an firecracker, let alone build a half-decent bomb

But, he does know how to operate the telemophone.